Parents & Families

Welcome Parents, Families, and Guardians!

Parent Staff Association

RSD parents/guardians have many opportunities to become involved in their child’s education. One of the best opportunities for parents/guardians to participate, gain valuable knowledge, and meet directly with other parents and staff, is to join the Rochester School for the Deaf Parent-Staff Association (RSD PSA). The RSD PSA can be found mingling with the crowd at the many school events and activities. PSA Executive Board members endeavor to join with families of RSD students to help parents navigate through the choices they have to support their child’s development. Most importantly, the PSA gives parents a chance to meet with each other about issues they face and decisions they make on behalf of their children. 

Student and Family Handbooks

Financial Assistance

RSD sponsors events on and off campus throughout the year and welcomes and encourages the attendance of our students and families.  Thanks to generous donors and event underwriters, we are often able to provide tickets for events for families who need assistance.  Please use this form to make a request.
Other Needs
If your child has an urgent need that you are not able to meet and is important to their RSD experience, we may be able to help thanks to generous donors to the Perkins Fund.  Please have your child communicate with a trusted adult or contact a school leader or email [email protected].


Family Classes in ASL

RSD is proud to support families as they learn ASL as an important part of your child's growth and development. We strive to support your family to have meaningful and open communication with your Deaf or hard-of-hearing child so they can blossom linguistically, socially, and emotionally by having an accessible visual language at home, at family events, and in interactions in the Deaf community. Please check out our FAMILY SFA PAGE for more information.